About Us

Balance Point: A Philosophy

At Balance Point BJJ & Kickboxing we believe that the path to success, both in martial arts and life, lies at the center of opposing forces. The ideas of Yin and Yang are universal to all martial arts and we strive to strike that balance in our training.

Strength VS Flexibility, Offense VS Defense, Speed VS Control, Aggression VS Patience, Fun VS Discipline. Too much emphasis in any one direction will make progress more difficult, if not impossible.

Learning how to make the most of the physical/mental gifts you have while bringing up areas you need improvement in will pay huge dividends both as a martial artist and person.

We hope that you will join us on your journey to becoming stronger, fitter, more confident and resilient.

“Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I will move the world .”

— Archimedes